31 December 2006

Audio Format Choices

My entire music collection is encoded using Vorbis. OGG has its drawbacks despite being, for me, the best sound format choice based on principles, quality and practicality. The biggest drawbacks are the lack of hardware and software support, I had to do a fair bit of research before buying my Samsung YP-U2 and software support for OGG is an issue on Mac OS X.
I've have over 5GB of OGGs stored on my NAS, and iTunes doesn't want to know about them. Had I chosen AAC as my preferred format, I wouldn't have a problem.
I'm wondering what should I do in order to be able to playback my songs on my new Macbook. I could convert my entire collection to MP4, but this would take a considerable amount of time and effort, and would leave my Samsung YP-U2 redundant. Or, I leave them as OGGs and figure out a way to get iTunes to play nice? I prefer the later option I think.

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